when i went horse back riding

We actually went horse back riding yesterday. I haven’t been in years. I think my horse’s name was Whiskey, seriously. LOL! He was a nag!

I know no one really cares, but costume update:

We got the sewing machine fixed (for the 3rd freaking time). My Ruby Moon skirt is nearly done (and I put the finishing touches on the wig last week), as is my Utena jacket. I still have to add all the trimmings and stuff to her jacket, tho… and look for some red shorts. I think I may take my Asuka dress with me to MTAC, since Tiffany Grant is going to be there, and Tony found some red Asuka shoes on ebay that were just my size (and I won ’em).

I’ve decided to hold off on Juri. Mostly because the wig I originally ordered for it is out of stock, and I don’t have time to wait for them to get it back in. I’d be hard pressed to find another wig that length and colour for that price. I haven’t bought the fabric for it, either, so I’m just going to wait and do something else for now.

I’ve decided to replace Juri with Shadowloo version Cammy from Street Fighter. Not as much to make for that, LOL šŸ˜€ And I already have the boots and a pattern to work from. I love Cammy. That’ll be fun.

Well, someone just now decided to tell me that we’re leaving to eat lunch with my grandparents in 10 minutes, so I guess I’d better go get dressed.